Saturday, May 26, 2007
Untitled 80

Untitled 80
3.25' x 5'
A big drip painting. Hey, so maybe Pollock was the first to do these and maybe his hit you harder than any of the rest. But just because Pollock painted in this style doesn't mean the rest of us can't take our crack. It's not like we can't paint watercolor flowers just because O'Keefe did it; or still lifes because the Europeans did them for centuries; or impressionist water scenes because Monet did so many so well. It's fun to make drip paintings and choosing the right colors is not so easy. We are slighting ourselves out of good art if we look at some young painter's drip and remark only that it is a Pollock "rip-off." As if we cannot use brushes and oil paints because someone else did it first.